Ada Muntean
"I'm an independent visual artist from Romania. My mediums of expression are mainly drawing and photography. I conceive my works as movie frames, parts of a neverending movie- which is basically my life-with all its essence: doubts, fears, feelings and visions. I want to explore the dark sensitive side of things that mark our lives both on a counscious and subcounscious level. Poetry is an important metaphysical inspiration for me, so I choose to use lyrics from poems as titles for my works"
Ada Muntean
2009-2011 : Master's Degree in Fine Art, Graphic Arts, University of Art and Design,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2010: CEEPUS exchange student- for 3 months in Cracow, Poland, Jan Matejko
Academy of Art and Design, Graphic Arts:Litography, Drawing, Poster Design
2009 : ERASMUS exchange student-for 3 months in United Kingdom, Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, Fine Art
2006-2009 : Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art, Graphic Arts, University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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