Rick Amor was born in Frankston, Victoria in 1948. In 1965 he completed a Certificate of Art at
the Caulfield Institute of Technology, and from 1966 to 1968 studied at the National Gallery
School, Melbourne where he received an Associate Diploma of Painting. He has been the
recipient of several Australia Council studio residencies, which have allowed him to work in
London, New York and Barcelona. In 1999 the Australian War Memorial appointed him as the
official war artist to East Timor.
Amor has held over 50 solo exhibitions since first exhibiting at Joseph Brown Gallery in 1974
and has shown annually at Niagara Galleries for 26 years. A major survey exhibition of his
paintings was curated by McClelland Gallery in 1990 and toured various regional galleries in
Victoria and South Australia. In 1993 an exhibition mounted by Bendigo Art Gallery toured
Victoria and Tasmania, presenting his work as a printmaker and graphic artist. An important
exhibition of Rickʼs bronze sculpture was undertaken by Benalla Art Gallery in 2002, including
many maquettes never previously exhibited. In 2005, Robert Lindsay curated Rick Amor:
Standing in the Shadows, the second major survey of Amorʼs work to be presented at
McClelland Gallery+Sculpture Park. In March 2008, Heide Museum of Modern Art presented
Rick Amor: A Single Mind, a triumphant survey of Rickʼs paintings and works on paper from
1968 – 2008.
Gary Catalanoʼs biography The Solitary Watcher: Rick Amor and his Art, was published by The
Miegunyah Press in 2001; and in 2008, The Beagle Press published Gavin Fryʼs richly
illustrated monograph, Rick Amor.
Rick Amor lives and works in Melbourne
2007 The McClelland Award, McClelland Gallery+Sculpture Park, Victoria
2000 Awarded the Visual Arts/Craft Board London Studio, England
1995 Awarded the Visual Arts/Craft Board Green Street Studio, New York
1991 Awarded the Visual Arts/Craft Board Barcelona Studio, Spain
1989 National Australia Bank Art Prize
1987 Castlemaine Drawing Prize (Second Prize)
1980 Artist in Residence, Victorian Trades Hall Council
1975 Visual Arts Board Grant
1968 National Gallery Traveling Scholarship
1967 National Gallery Drawing Prize (shared)
Hugh Ramsey Portrait Prize