Mylyn Nguyen
- Mylyn Nguyen
This is a journey through the everyday in the hope of finding the little magic that I used to carry with me on the train, in my backpack and in the reserved special spot on my desk. But, the more I work; the Company car, the Company responsibility, the Company phone and the time spent on, in, and immersed in the Company, the less I seem to be able to find the bear that I packed out of the way. This is about the tiny little bit of moss that sits in the crack of the concrete footpath outside the office that reminds me that one day, I should stop working and go find bear.
- Mylyn Nguyen
This is a journey through the everyday in the hope of finding the little magic that I used to carry with me on the train, in my backpack and in the reserved special spot on my desk. But, the more I work; the Company car, the Company responsibility, the Company phone and the time spent on, in, and immersed in the Company, the less I seem to be able to find the bear that I packed out of the way. This is about the tiny little bit of moss that sits in the crack of the concrete footpath outside the office that reminds me that one day, I should stop working and go find bear.
2005-6 Master of Visual Arts, Object Art & Design (Glass),
Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
2004 Artist in Resident at the Sydney College of the Arts.
2003 Hot Shop Assistant to Coby Cockburn.
2002 Attended Dante Marioni ‘Long weekend of glass’
workshop/demonstration, Jam Factory, Adelaide.
2000-2 Bachelor of Visual Arts (majored in Glass), Sydney
College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
1982 Born in Australia.
Mylyn Nguyen