Arija Paikule
Latvian artist
Arija Paikule-Kimm born on 16.07.1955. in Riga.
Graduated from Estonian Institute of Arts.
Student of professor Ilmar Krimm.
Her paintings are exhibited in different galleries in Riga and Tallinn. There are over 600 paintings in private collections, most of which are in Europe and America.
All works presented in “Two Painters Gallery” virtual gallery are exhibited in Tallinn, Vabaduse Square 6.
Latvian artist
Arija Paikule-Kimm born on 16.07.1955. in Riga.
Graduated from Estonian Institute of Arts.
Student of professor Ilmar Krimm.
Her paintings are exhibited in different galleries in Riga and Tallinn. There are over 600 paintings in private collections, most of which are in Europe and America.
All works presented in “Two Painters Gallery” virtual gallery are exhibited in Tallinn, Vabaduse Square 6.