Sylvain Lefebvre
"The sea…if you knock on her door, you will see that if she lets you in, you will never leave again. We go back a long way, the sea and me, and these ships draw us together. Maybe this is why, when I am with her, I never feel alone. I have not actually asked her yet but I guess, if I am still alive today, she must also care for me. Even though, as with any other old couple, neither her nor me will ever raise the subject.
I had sailed for so long on her belly that one day it occurred to me that I had become more a man of the sea than of the land: I have spent more time treading metal gangways and exotic wood decks than walking on dry land. I have not actually finished listing all the ships I helped keep afloat…
Ships like these are no more or have all but disappeared. Some have sunk to the bottom of the ocean, others, which have risen to the skies might well still be sailing above the clouds. Who knows?
Some of them were more fun loving and others more serious in nature but all undoubtedly had a soul; their soul was borne out of human obstinacy − obstinacy is a form of self-belief, this is what drives you to create the impossible…
These ships were impossible. They would challenge nature and scoff at it… Just like a house of cards in stormy seas.
They had a spirit but even encased in steel, a spirit is somewhat fragile. We could compare this to an image on a negative inside a film compartment, which, exposed to the light, disappears only to be replaced by memories… My memories."
Taken from the epilogue of Les Carnets d'un marin , Sylvain Lefebvre (Sylef) Glénat editions..
Sylvain Lefebvre born in Saint Quentin France 1966
Fine Art Tutors London Ecole d´arts graphiques Met de Penninghen Paris Arts Décoratifs Paris
Fine Art Tutors London Ecole d´arts graphiques Met de Penninghen Paris Arts Décoratifs Paris
Artista francese di respiro internazionale, reduce dal successo ottenuto di recente all´ultima edizione della London Art Fair, Sylef espone per la prima volta in Italia. Affascinato da un mondo immaginario che evoca un "sud" marittimo bagnato da una luce calda e fatto di tinte sgargianti e di alternanza di ombre e di luci, Sylef inventa, attraverso le sue tele, un universo personalissimo che suggerisce storie straordinarie e personaggi fantastici impregnati però di un'umanità che li rende quasi reali.
I soggetti nascono e prendono corpo grazie alla fantasia debordante di Sylef, che mescola una pittura a base di acrilico ai collages più svariati quali tessuti, scatole di sigari, o manifesti pubblicitari.
I soggetti nascono e prendono corpo grazie alla fantasia debordante di Sylef, che mescola una pittura a base di acrilico ai collages più svariati quali tessuti, scatole di sigari, o manifesti pubblicitari.