Maria Ilieva
1973 Born in Sofia, Bulgaria
1991 Graduated the National High School of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria
1997 Graduated the National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, speciality Mural Painting
Since 1997 Member of the Association of Bulgarian Artists
She works in the field of the murals, portraits, still lifes, illustrations and fine arts painting. Work experience:
1992-1993 Illustrations for “Lakrima” Publishing house
1994 Mural paintings in the Batak Church, Bulgaria
1995 Illustrations for “Snezana Ivanova” Publishing house
1996 Mural paintings in the Cript of the Russian Church, Sofia, Bulgaria
2000-2005 Illustrations for “Pan” Publishing house
2000-2005 Mural paintings in the private apartments in Sofia and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
1995 Participation in the National exhibition of Graphic Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
2001 Participation in the International exhibition Scenery Aquarelle, Rome, Italy
2004-2006 Participation in the National exhibition of Monumental Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
2008 Mural paintings in the private hotel in Pamporovo, Bulgaria
2006-2012 Participation in the all exhibitions for fondation "Stamen Grigorov", Sofia, Bulgaria
2012 Own family exhibition, Belgrade, Serbia
Her works are property of private collections in Germany, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Russia and USA.
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