Renato Ferrari was born in 1954 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1973 he went to United States, in Washington, D.C. for two and a half years, where he takes drawing and painting classes at Montgomery College, Maryland. Return to Brazil in 1976 he studied at Escola de Belas-Artes for his BFA, and in 1985 he returns to USA, Baltimore, Maryland to study at Maryland Institute, Hoffberger School of Painting for his Master in Fine Arts.
Since 1987 Renato has dedicated himself to painting full-time and in 1997 he oppened the first school of realistic art in Rio de Janeiro.
Academic Studies.
1974-75 Montgomery College, Maryland, USA- Desenho e Pintura.
1976-80 Escola de Belas artes, UFRJ, Bacharel em Pintura.
1985-87 Maryland Institute, Hoffberger School of Painting,
Maryland, USA, Mestrado em Pintura.