Inos Corradin
Inos Corradin (born in Vogogna, Italy, in 1929) is an international well-known painter, who has masterpieces spread worldwide. He currently resides in Brazil, and he is considered one of the most sough-after contemporary artists today.
After living his childhood and adolescence in Casteldaldo, Padova, Corradin and his family immigrated to Brazil in 1950. His origin from Veneto and cultural roots in the wide fields across the Adige River in Padova, Verona, Mantova and Rovigo as well as the new sightseeing he gleamed in his arrival in Brazil at the age of 21, these certainly meant a lot in the deepest memory of Corradin. His experiences and his special look towards life are translated in richness in his masterpieces, in his fantastic creativity and is his playful artistic communication with the world and people.
His first individual exhibition occurred in the Oxumaré Galley in Bahia, in 1953. During these years of a lot of work, and many other exhibitions were performed in Brazil and abroad such as New York, Buenos Aires, Italy, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Israel, France, Uruguai, Holland and others. His trajectory along these 50 years puts him among the great Brazilian artists of the present moment. In his work there is always a trademark of style and a peculiar language which allows people to identify it immediately.
Inos Corradin
Inos Corradin nasceu na Itália, na cidade de Vogogna. Na década de 50, aos 21 anos, chegou ao Brasil, instalando-se em Jundiaí, interior paulista, na casa de parentes. Convidado para trabalhar em um projeto pioneiro na época, o Atelier Cooperativa, Inos muda-se para o bairro da Vila Mariana, em São Paulo. Dois anos depois, Corradin percebeu a necessidade de viajar, de mudar de ambiente. E foi parar na Bahia.
Inos utiliza pretextos da natureza para desenvolver uma filosofia da cor, uma cultura plástica e uma cultura de sentimentos através dos quais é capaz de revelar o mundo de um modo único e inimitável. Reinicia sua carreira em 1964 e 1965 expondo individualmente. Em 1968 começa uma verdadeira maratona de exposições.