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Maina Boniface


  Maina Boniface

Born in Nanyuki town- Kenya in 1987, Boniface Maina is one of Kenya’s fast rising emerging artist. He attended junior school and high school in the same town. In 2006, he relocated to Nairobi city and attended YMCA Training Institute to study Art and Design where he graduated with a diploma. Now living and working in Nairobi, Maina gained interest in drawing and painting with acrylics as his favorite medium. He is inspired by basic human reactions and his daily encounters which he shows with his surrealistic figures. Maina is currently working with a combination of abstract expressionism and surrealism. With a touch of imagination, he says, he gets to express humanity in an extra-ordinary way and this is evident in his subjects.

Maina is founding member of BRUSH TU and DISCOVERED ARTISTIC TALENTS (DArTs). He also is a volunteer artist at ZAWADI ART SOCIETY- a community based art program. Maina is represented by Diani Beach Art Gallery, Kisumu Arts Gallery and Gallery Glocal Art.

Kateryna Kosianenko - Катерина Косьяненко


Kateryna Kosianenko - Катерина Косьяненко - Catherine Kosyanenko

KATERYNA KOSIANENKO – Ukrainian artist, painter.

1978 – was born in 1978 in Kyiv.

1996 - graduated from T. Shevchenko State School of arts.

1999 – participant of all-Ukrainian.

2002 – graduated from National academy of fine arts and architecture. Studied at the theatre scenery department under the guidance of renowned stage artist Danilo Lider.

2003 – participan tinternational art exhibitions.

2005 – Kateryna had an internship with NAFAA assisting at the pictorial master class of prof. Vasil Gurin, people’s artist of Ukraine.

Holds MA degree in painting.

2002 – member of National artists’ union of Ukraine since.

2009 – internship in Cite internationale Des arts (Paris).

2011 – internship in the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts named J. Matejko.

Painting, theater and cinema.

11 personal exhibitions of painting.
Grant of the Ministry of Culture “GAUDE POLONIA”, Republic Poland, 2011.
5th Prize in painting (5 Premio Pittura Lorenzo di Magnifico) and medal “Lorenzo de Medici” VII Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence, Italy, 2009,
Silver medal, Ukrainian Academy of Arts, 2006.
President of Ukraine grant for gifted youth, 2004.
Kyiv Mayor Scholarship, 2004.
President of Ukraine scholarship, 2004.
1st prize in painting of the Salone d’Autumne ( 1-er PRIX de PENTURE des Amis du SALONE D’AUTOMNE) , Paris, France, 2003.
Committee on family and youth diploma, Kyiv, 2003.
Diploma from Chief department on culture and arts of Kyiv city administration, Kyiv, 2002.
Laureate of the M. Dmytrenko contest ( III Prize) , NAFAA, Kyiv, 2000.
Laureate of the M. Dmytrenko contest ( III Prize), NAFAA, Kyiv, 1999.

José Rodríguez


José Rodríguez

Painter, born and lives in El Salvador

Año de nacimiento


País de nacimiento y residencia

El Salvador

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Irving Herrera


Irvig Herrera


- Fundador y miembro activo del taller de gráfica Gabinete Gráfico, Oaxaca, Oax., México.

- Fundador y miembro activo del colectivo ASARO (Asamblea de Artistas Revolucionarios de
Oaxaca) y Espacio Zapata (taller y galería de gráfica), Oaxaca, Oax., México.

- Colabora como asistentente en el taller de grafica y pintura a cargo del maestro Shinzaburo Takeda de la licenciatura en Artes plasticas y Visuales, Bellas Artes. Oax.

- Licenciatura en Artes Plásticas y Visuales, especialidad en Gráfica, Escuela de Bellas Artes, UABJO, Oax.

- Instructoria en artes plásticas, especialidad en Pintura, Escuela de Bellas Artes, UABJO, Oax.


- Curso de dibujo impartido por el maestro Per Anderson “dibujo y teoría de los clásicos”, Instituto de Artes Graficas de Oaxaca (IAGO).
- Curso de dibujo impartido por el maestro Gilberto Aceves Navarro “dibujo gestual”, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Oaxaca (MACO).
- Curso de comprensión del arte, “iconografía del arte”, esc. de Bellas Artes, Oax.
- Curso de pintura impartido por el maestro Fernando Castro Leñero “clásico y concepto”, Centro de las Artes de San Agustin (CASA), Etla, Oaxaca.
- Curso de instalación impartido por la maestra Tamana Araki, “grafica instalada”, esc. de Bellas Artes, Oax.
- Curso de grafica contemporanea,”Al rescate de la grafica tradicional”, museo de la estampa, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico.

 "Irving Herrera
Oaxaca (México)

El color azul, ese azul de miedo, invade las montañas y se come el cielo, la inesperada lluvia ase notar su presencia con gotas compactas y ensordecedoras, los caminos caudalosos, parecen ríos que se llevan todos los recuerdos; los de hoy, los de ayer y de hace siglos.
A veces se piensa que una verdadera obra de arte debe justificarse por si misma y que no necesita de grandes prólogos que la defiendan y la expliquen, se que en la actualidad cualquier persona puede pintar o producir un gravado genial, pero eso no significa que se convierta en un gran artista; sin embargo un gran artista puede provenir de cualquier lado."

— Irving Herrera 

for more go to the artist website. I love what he wrote !

José Luis López Galván


José Luis López Galván


Minerva Comix
Estudios: Curso de comic y modelismo 2004

Universidad De Guadalajara
Sede: Centro Universitario de Arte Arquitectura y Diseño. Guadalajara Jalisco.
Carrera: Licenciatura en Diseño para la Comunicación Gráfica
Concluyendo estudios en diciembre del 2008. Titulado por excelencia académica.

Instituto cultural Cabañas. Guadalajara Jalisco
Estudios: Taller de pinta al óleo con el maestro Nino Magaña. .
Concluyendo estudios el 10 de julio del 2009.

Museo del Periodismo y las Artes Gráficas (Casa de los Perros). Guadalajara Jalisco
Estudios: Taller de grabado MUPAG. actualmente. Dirección: Av. Alcalde #225, Centro Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.


• Primer lugar en el concurso de cartel ecológico de SEMARNAT 2006. Juventud Ideas Medio Ambiente.
• Equipo finalista en 1er. Concurso de Campaña Publicitaria con Contenido Social Genomma Lab, En la categoría diabetes. México D.F.2008.
• Seleccionado en el “Salón de octubre 2009”, con la obra “Sin título”. Ex-Convento del Carmen. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
• Seleccionado en el “Salón de octubre 2010”, con la obra “Cena sin Salomón”. Ex-Convento del Carmen. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
• Seleccionado en el programa de estímulos a la creación y al desarrollo artístico; en la categoría jóvenes creadores, artes plásticas. XVI emisión 2010-2011, CONACULTA y secretaria de cultura, Jal. Como tutor, Joao Rodriguez
• Ganador del “Salón de octubre 2011” con la obra “La carrera de Darwin”. Y obra seleccionada “Boxer”. Ex-Convento del Carmen. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
• Mención especial en el “Primer premio de pintura George Martínez” con la obra “Naturaleza muerta” septiembre 2012.
• Seleccionado en el “Salón de octubre 2012”, con la obra “Teratólogos”. Ex-Convento del Carmen. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
• Mención honorifica en la “primera bienal de pintura José Atanasio Monroy” con la obra “hombre evolucionado”. Y obra seleccionada “Lección de anatomía del doctor sabañón”. Autlan, Jalisco, México. 2012.
• Mención honorifica en la sexta Muestra Arte Grupo Reforma. Con la obra “Caballito” Guadalajara , Jalisco, México, Mayo 2013.
•Seleccionado en el “Salón de octubre 2013”, con la obra “Cabeza de gato”. Ex-Convento del Carmen. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

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Patrick Sadler


Patrick Sadler

Patrick Sadler naît en 1961, dans la cité métallurgique qu'est Differdange. Tout jeune, le dessin le fascine, mais sa passion pour la musique prend le dessus. Ce n'est que lors de son passage à Strasbourg qu'il rencontre les arts plastiques et audiovisuels et qu'il décide de peindre la nature de l'image qu'il perçoit. Rendre "ce qui pense" visible à d'autres par la peinture avec des moyens im-expressionistes devient sa quête primordiale.

Patrick SADLER (né le 24 janvier 1961 à Differdange)

- Maîtrise d'Arts Plastiques à l'Université de Strasbourg II en 1987.
- Diplôme Universitaire de Cinéma et d'Audiovisuel avec Option "Atelier Nouvelles Images" (Images de Synthèse Animées 3D).
- Formateur‑chercheur à I'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (ENSPS) en 1988: préparation et encadrement en tant que formateur/assistant pédagogique au projet “Commett” de la première session de formation européenne en Génie Iconique Eikon/Cerise" dans les locaux d'RTL/Cerise au Luxembourg en juillet 1988.
- Chargé de cours au lycée technique des “Arts et Métiers” de Luxembourg de 1989-1996.
- Enseignant en Infographie et Infocinégraphie à l’Institut d’Art d’Amiens de 1992 à 1995.

Daan van Doorn

Daan van Doorn

 Daan van Doorn studied at the Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam. His work has been seen in exhibitions in the Netherlands, London and Dubai. He was commissioned to paint Princess Beatrix, when Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, in 2000. Van Doorn’s work was previously selected for the BP Portrait Award 2011.  

The portrait is of the composer Philip Glass who agreed to sit for van Doorn when he visited the artist’s home town. Glass was an important subject for van Doorn as he had been inspired to become an artist after seeing Chuck Close’s portrait of the same sitter made in 1969.

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Sahin Demir - Şahin Demir


Şahin Demir -  Sahin Demir

1987 Born in Mardin.
2003 - 2007 Studied in Kayseri Anatolian Fine Arts High School.
2008 – 2012 Graduated undergraduate degree from Selcuk University Department of Art Teacher.
2013 Started to study his master degree at Selcuk University Department of Art Teacher.
2014 He is still working at his private studio

2005 Selcuk University, “Cok Renkli bir Avrupa’da Ortaklık Ruhu” named painting competition,
II. Place Award.
2012 Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, painting competition, Accomplishment Award.
2012 Rh+ Art Magazine, Young Painters of the Year, Finalist.
2013 Rh+ Art Magazine, Young Painters of the Year, II. Place Award.


1987 Yılında Mardin'de doğdu.

İlk Öğretimini Kayseri'de tamamlamıştır.

Lise Öğrenimini Kayseri Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi'nde bitirmiştir. 2003-2007

Selçuk Üniversitesi Eğitim Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Resim-iş Öğretmenliği bitirmiştir.2010/2011

2011/2012 Yüksek lisans eğitimine başladı. Çalışmalarına kişisel atölyesinde devam etmektedir




2012 Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi resim yarışması ‘BAŞARI ÖDÜLÜ'

2005 Okul'da Avrupa Projesi Kapsamında düzenlenen ana teması ‘Çok Renkli Bir Avrupa'da Ortaklık Ruhu' Resim yarışmasında 2.lik ÖDÜLÜ

Sergi ve Çalıştaylar: 2013 Galeri Soyut / C Salonu, Ankara 2013 İzlenimyorum / Karadeniz Sergisi, Galeri Soyut/A Salonu, Ankara 2013 II. Uluslar Arası Akçaabat Resim Çalıştayı , Trabzon 2013 Küçük Şeyler Karma Sergisi, Galeri Soyut

2013 Artist 23.Uluslar Arası İstanbul Sanat Fuarı /Galeri Soyut 2013 Uluslar arası SummART -Moldova –kişinev Sanat Buluşması

2013 Küçük Şeyler sergisi /Terakki sanat vakfı / istanbul

Oleg Turchin


Oleg Turchin

He studed at the children's art school Sciusev - his teacher was V.B. Bulba.
In 1981 he enters to study at the Fine Arts University in the name of I.E. Repin his teacher were S.S. Babjuk, Proniaev.
1989 - 1995 Studes in the Institute of Fine Arts, Painting Faculty, leaders I.I. Serbinov and V.I. Kazakov.
Degree work Underground transition.
Since 1989 exibits regularly his works at the Spring and Autumns salons at the Constantin Brancush Exibition Hall, Chisinau.
Since 1990 cooperates with the DECOR gallery, Odessa.
Since 1993 with the gallery TZIMA, Athens.
Oleg Turchin's works are in private colletions in Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Grece, Holland, USA, Turkey, Italy, Russia.
Since 2002 till 2003 worked on the art panel in Hotel Dedeman Grand Chisinau.

Born: 29 June, 1964

Residence :
Kishinev, Republic Moldova

Oleg Turchin

Valery Buev aka Valeriu Buev


Valery Buev aka Valeriu Buev

Kishnev, Republic of Moldova

Artist Bio:
Valery (aka Valeriu) is a Moldavan painter whose surrealist style illustrates a unique and distinctive imagination. His works have been shown in galleries in Germany, Switzerland, Holland and Australia, as well in collective shows across Europe.

Valery was born and started painting in Russia, studying fine arts at Krasnodar University. He started his career, post-university, designing books for the publishing house Stiinta. From 1980 to 1991, he worked as an illustrator for the publishing house, Cartea Moldoveneasca, illustrating over 200 books, as well as booklets, posters and more. In 2005, he won “Silver Prize” for book design in the annual design competition in Moldova. That same year, he became and remains the art manager of the Corina Art Gallery in Moldava. Valery has continued to paint throughout his career and is a member of the Association Internationale des Arts Plas.

Nese Erdok - Neşe Erdok


Neşe Erdok

Neşe Erdok (born 1940 in Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish painter.

She is a contemporary-figurative artist, known for painting distorted figures with large hands and feet.

Neşe Erdok

Neş'e Erdok (d. 1940, Üsküdar, İstanbul) Resim atölyesi öğretim üyesi ve ressam. İ.D.G.S.A. Resim Bölümü Neşet Günal Atölyesi`nden mezun oldu. 1965- 66 yıllarında İspanyol Dili, Edabiyatı, Uygarlığı ve Sanat Tarihi üzerine çalışmalar yaptı.1981 yılında profesör oldu.

1940 İstanbul, Üsküdar`da doğdu. Annesi Semai Sanlı ve babası Şinasi Erdok, Niş ve Leve Leskofça kökenli olup bir iç göçle Üsküp`e yerleşen ve Balkan Harbi sırasında Türkiye`ye göç eden iki ailenin çocuklarıdır. Ailenin ikinci ve son çocuğu olan Neş`e Erdok`un ağabeyi Saydam Erdok`tur.
1948 - 1953 Üsküdar Kaptanpaşa ve Ankara Sarar ilkokulu`nda okudu.
1953 - 1956 Ortaokulun ilk iki sınıfını Erzincan`da okuduktan sonra, 1 yıl Almanya`da Bad Godesberg`de Nicolaus Cusans Gyninasium`da eğitimini sürdürdü ve ortaokulu Üsküdar Paşakapısı Ortaokulu`nda bitirdi.
1957 - 1959 Üsküdar Fıstıkağacı Kız Lisesi`nde okudu.
1959 - 1963 İ.D.G.S.A. Resim Bölümü Neşet Günal Atölyesi`nden mezun oldu.
1965 - 1966 Madrid`de Escuela Central de İdromas`ta ve Escuela Diplomatica`da İspanyol Dili, Edabiyatı, Uygarlığı ve Sanat Tarihi üzerine çalışmalar yaptı.
1967 - 1972 Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı hesabına Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi'ne Öğretim Üyesi yetiştirilmek üzere Fransa`ya gönderildi. Paris`te Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts`da Prof. Chaplain Midy ve Prof. Pierre Matthey de l'Etang yanında resim çalışmaları yaptı ve 1972`de yurda döndü.
1972 İ.D.G.S.A`nde Asistan adaylığına atandı ve Neşet Günal Atölyesi`nde görevlendirildi.
1981 Profesör ünvanını aldı.
1990 Profesör olarak atandı.
1990 - 2008 Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Bölümü'nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalıştı.
Aralarında; Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi İstanbul Devlet Resim Heykel Müzesi, İstanbul Modern Sanat Müzesi, Norton Simon Müzesi’ nin de bulunduğu, yurtiçi ve yurtdışında çeşitli müze ve özel koleksiyonlarda resimleri bulunan sanatçı, bugüne dek 100’ ü aşkın karma sergide yer almıştır.

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Zehra Basaran - Zehra Başaran


Zehra Basaran - Zehra Başaran

Zehra Başaran was born in Istanbul in 1971. She graduated from the Painting Department in the Atatürk Faculty of Education at Marmara University in 1995. In 2006, she completed master’s degree at her alma mater. In 2007, she received a juried special prize at the 7th Şefik Bursalı Awards. In the next year, she was awarded a juried special prize at the 8th Şefik Bursalı Awards, and a honorable mention at the 4th Painting competition of Ümraniye Municipality. Currently, Başaran continues working in Maltepe, Istanbul.

Zuhal Baysar


Zuhal Baysar

Born in Ankara,Turkey in 1976. Educaton: Lisence degree in Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts Painting Department, Ankara ,Turkey. MA and PhD degree in the same faculty. Working as a Lecturer in Hacettepe University, Painting Department.

Ressam Zuhal Baysar Boerescu, 1976, Ankara'da doğdu. Zuhal Baysar, 1999, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Bölümü'nden mezun oldu. Sanatçı, 2000, Aynı fakültede Araştırma Görevlisi oldu. 2002, "İnsan ve An Resimleri" konulu tezi ile Yüksek Lisans programını tamamladı. 2006, "Toplumda Şeffaflığın Görsel Tanımı" konulu tezi ile Sanatta Yeterlik Doktora programını tamamladı. Halen aynı üniversitede Yardımcı Doçent olarak çalışmaktadır.

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Turkmen Alkan - Türkmen Alkan


Türkmen Alkan

Turkish painter


Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi

ortaköy zübeyde hanım kız meslek lisesi
Turma de 1994 · Ortaköy, Istanbul, Turkey

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Soner Cakmak - Soner Çakmak


Soner Cakmak  - Soner Çakmak

Soner Çakmak was born in Sinop in 1976. He graduated from the Painting Department in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Marmara University in 2001. He has had several solo exhibitions and has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Turkey. He has received many awards. Currently, he continues to work in Istanbul.

2008, Ümraniye Municipality 4th Traditional painting competition, mention award
2008, Nuri İyem painting award, special jury prize
2008, 4th ArtForm Ankara young artist competition, award of merit
2009, Ümraniye Municipality 5th Traditional painting competition, mention award
2009, 9th Şefik Buraslı painting competition, jury special prize
2009, First Çanakkale naval and land warfare painting competition, mention award
2009, 8th Turkish Jockey club painting competition, first prize
2010, 2nd Çanakkale naval and land warfare painting competition, first prize

Samet Dogan - Samet Doğan


Samet Doğan

Turkish painter born in 1970

Samet Dogan 1970 Manzikert
1993 Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting i
1997 DEU Social Sciences No ASD Master Still ÇOMÜ Fine Arts Department of Painting Instructor serves as the

Sertap Yegin - Sertap YEĞİN


Sertap YEĞİN

1974 Erzurum'da doğdu.
1999 Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Resim Bölümü'nden mezun olduç
2003 Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Bölümü'nde Yüksek Lisans programını tamamladı.
Sanatçı, Ulusal ve Uluslararası Çalıştaylarda ve karma sergilerde yer almıştır.
Halen çalışmalarını Bursa'da ki atölyesinde sürdürmektedir.

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Peruze Yigit - Peruze Yiğit - Peruze Peruz


Peruze Yiğit - Peruze Peruz

Peruze Yiğit was born in İzmir( Turkey) in 1967. After completing her primary and secondary education in İzmir, she entered Buca Faculty of Education, Department of paintng .

1991-Turgut Pura Vakfı Resim Yarışması Mansiyon
1992-Erzurum Resim Heykel Müzesi Mansiyon
2002-Turgut Pura Vakfı Resim Yarışması Jüri özel ödülü
2007-Narlıdere belediyesi resim yarışması başarı ödülü
2007-Uluslararası Obez konulu resim yarışması Mansiyon
2010-Şefik Bursalı resim yarışması ödülü

Halim Celiker - Halim Çeliker


Halim Celiker - Halim Çeliker

1961 He was born in Balıkesir

1980 He graduated from Savaştepe Teacher Lycee

1985 He graduated from the Painting Department of The Faculty of Fine Arts of the Mimar Sinan University,workshop of Adnan Coker

1986 He worked in Summer Academy of Salzburg Austurıa with Prof. Reimund Girke

1987 He became a research assistant at the Faculty of Fine Arts of The Anatolian University

1992 He had his doctorate in creative arts from The Mimar Sinan University

1997 He has started to work and he teaches currently at The Faculty of Fine Arts of The Marmara University

He opened 24 personal exhibitions.He partıcıpated in more than 70 mix exhibitions.He took 6 prizes.His paintings are in some private collections and museums.

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Eser Guray - Eser Güray


Eser Güray -  Eser Ege Güray

Date of Birth : Born in Ankara - Turkiye in 1960.

Education : 1978–1982 Graduate from Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts -Design and Interior Architecture Faculty

Experience :


• Paintings were chosen worth to exhibit in Turkish Monopoly Traditional Painting Contest 8.,9.,10. and 11.

• Paintings were chosen worth to exhibit in Turkish Navy Traditional Painting Contest 1.,2.,3. and 4.

• Won first prize from Turkish Horseman Club 3rd Painting Contest.

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